domingo, 8 de junio de 2014

Totally untrue myths about hair

TOTALLY UNTRUE MYTHS ABOUT HAIRThere are tons of myths going around about hair, but a lot of them are totally false! Here are some common myths that lots of people believe...but actually are NOT true.

  • You need to brush your hair a lot. FALSE!

Nope, it actually makes your hair weaker! It can pull out your hair too. 

  • You just need the right product to fix split ends. FALSE!

Actually, the only way to get red of split ends is to cut them off.

  • If you pluck out a gray hair, more will grow in in its place. FALSE!

This one just isn't true.

  • If you shave, your hair will grow back thicker. FALSE!

Nope, shaving doesn't affect how hair grows.

  • You can't change your hair texture. FALSE!

Stress and eating habits can make your hair change texture! 

  • You should brush your hair from root to ends. FALSE!

Instead, start from the bottom and work your way up.

  • You need to wash your hair every single day. FALSE!

This actually dries out your hair.

  • When you wash your hair, you need to lather, rinse, then repeat. FALSE!

Repeating the steps doesn’t really have any benefit.

  • Trimming your hair makes it grow faster. FALSE!

Just like shaving, trimming your hair doesn't affect its growth.

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