“Thank you for everything the last 4 years...Couldn't be more by what you've done for us. H .xx.”
When did you discover One Direction? Did you follow them from the beginning on The X Factor or did you find out about them a little later?
Hey! Here you'll be able to read the latest news about your favourite artists. If you want me to talk about a specific actress, singer and I don't, please feel free to comment and tell me. This blog will have things in spanish too. Hope you enjoy :) //// Hola! Aquí leerás las ultimas noticias sobre vuestros famosos favoritos. Si quieres que hable sobre algún artista del que normalmente no hablo, siéntete libre a decírmelo. Este bloc tendrá noticias en ingles también. Espero que disfrutéis :)
Me encanta One direction! Son geniales!